All prices shown include VAT.
Delivery cost is £12.50 and will be added at checkout.

5 pack Hard aluminium frames stretched and pre-coated in one of twelve mesh counts at 90 degree bias to the frame.

FRAME SIZE: 254 x 203 (10 x 8)

Choose mesh count
FRAME SIZE: 305 x 254 (12 x 10)
Choose mesh count
FRAME SIZE: 356 x 305 (14 x 12)
Choose mesh count
FRAME SIZE: 432 x 305 (18 x 12)
Choose mesh count
FRAME SIZE: 508 x 356 (20 x 14)
Choose mesh count
FRAME SIZE: 650 x 482 (24 x 19)
Choose mesh count
FRAME SIZE: 762 x 508 (31 x 23)
Choose mesh count
10 pack

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