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Timber white mesh single

Timber white mesh singles
with jointed corners

Timber yellow mesh single

Timber yellow mesh singles
with jointed corners

Hardwood frame stretched in one of twelve mesh counts at 90 degrees bias to the frame. Choose your frame size and mesh count.

FRAME SIZE: 254 x 203 (10 x 8)

Choose mesh count

FRAME SIZE: 305 x 254 (12 x 10)

Choose mesh count

FRAME SIZE: 356 x 305 (14 x 12)

Choose mesh count

FRAME SIZE: 432 x 305 (17 x 12)

Choose mesh count

FRAME SIZE: 508 x 356 (20 x 14)

Choose mesh count

FRAME SIZE: 650 x 482 (24 x 19)

Choose mesh count

FRAME SIZE: 762 x 508 (30 x 20)

Choose mesh count
5 pack | 10 pack

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